Metabiaugmented dodecahedron

Metabiaugmented dodecahedron
Type Johnson
J59 - J60 - J61
Faces 2+2.4 triangles
3.2+4 pentagons
Edges 40
Vertices 22
Vertex configuration 3.2+4(53)
Symmetry group C2v
Dual polyhedron -
Properties convex

In geometry, the metabiaugmented dodecahedron is one of the Johnson solids (J60). It can be viewed as a dodecahedron with two pentagonal pyramids attached to two faces that are separated by one face. When pyramids are attached to a dodecahedron in other ways, they may result in an augmented dodecahedron, a parabiaugmented dodecahedron, a triaugmented dodecahedron, or a small stellated dodecahedron.

The 92 Johnson solids were named and described by Norman Johnson in 1966.

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